Project and Funding Requests
This Project Grant Funding Request form is to be completed by a member of the La Mesa Sunrise Rotary (LMSR) Club on behalf of a beneficiary and sent to the Project Grants Committee Chair.
- Priority areas for funding are projects that:
- Support maternal and child health, including mental health, with a special focus on schools and students.
- Provide for basic needs such as water and food.
- Contribute to a clean and healthy environment.
- Promote peace and better human relations.
- With limited exceptions, event sponsorship funding will not be provided.
- Priority will be given to organizations that have a current relationship with the Club or provide opportunities to build a relationship through Club member participation in activities and projects.
- Within 12 months of the funding date, the Projects Committee will invite grant recipients to a Club meeting to describe the impact of the funding, other funding needs, and opportunities for further Club member participation.
Date of request. ______________
Name of LMSR member proposing this grant funding. _________________________________________________________________
Name of project.
Is this a Club Project Grant or a Global Grant? (Circle one.)
If Global Grant, please list sponsoring Rotary Club. _________________________________________________________________
Contact information for grant recipient.
Name ____________________________________________________________
Organization _______________________________________________________
Mailing Address ____________________________________________________
Email Address______________________________________________________
Phone Number _____________________________________________________
Funding amount requested. $_________________________________________
When is the funding needed? _________________________________________
Purpose of the project. Include geographic area, who will benefit, etc.
Add more lines as needed.
Opportunities for Club member participation, if any.
List other sources of funding for this project and amounts, if any.
For the LMSR Club Board of Directors to complete
Decision Date _________________
Accepted ___
Rejected ____
For the LMSR Club Foundation to complete
Decision Date _________________
Accepted ____
Rejected _____
Disbursement (payee & address)
Check # _______________
Date mailed _________________